

If you’re looking for a career in technology or even one that’s tech adjacent, 有很多不错的选择. Once such area is data analytics, where career opportunities are rapidly growing. 数据分析师, 他们是否像金融分析师一样, 市场分析员, 或者作为a的一部分 数据管理即服务(DMaaS) team, play an important role in gathering, managing, and interpreting business critical data. 

If that sounds like something you might be interested in, keep reading. mg官方游戏中心正在探索 数据管理和分析 职业生涯, including what you can expect on a daily basis and why now’s such a great time to get started.


在高水平上, a data analyst collects and reviews data to identify trends and key insights that can be used to solve problems, 改进业务流程, 创新实践, 和更多的. 数据分析师 may present their findings to key stakeholders as a part of their role as well. 换句话说, data analysts help businesses make sense of the massive amounts of data they have at their fingertips. 

What data analysts do on a day-to-day basis really depends on the industry they’re in because 职业生涯 in data analytics span across almost every field imaginable. 例如, financial analysts may review spending and budgetary information to decrease unnecessary spending. Business intelligence analysts may review operational and organizational data to empower better decision making across an organization. Marketing analysts may review consumer behavior to identify trends. At MG游戏登录网页mg官方游戏中心的数据管理服务团队 授权 通过设计进行数据分析, 实现, and managing the data systems that deliver these sorts of actionable insights for our clients.


What do Moser’s DMaaS consultants do on a day-to-day basis? 就像很多工作一样,这取决于当天的情况. However, here are some of their most common tasks and responsibilities.

  • 行政机构: 在任何给定时间, Moser’s DMaaS consultants may be working on administrative tasks for several different clients. These include collecting information from servers, 监视作业失败, 在发生故障时实现修复, 和更多的.

  • 监控每日报告: 每日报告,如ELT(摘录), 负载, transform) are a critical part of ensuring that clients’ databases are running smoothly and efficiently. Moser DMaaS顾问监控这些报告, along with servers and other applications to ensure optimal performance.

  • 故障诊断: 有时事情会出错. When this happens, our DMaaS consultants work to troubleshoot issues as quickly as possible. Our team is well-versed in all of the different environments and applications our clients use—including cloud, on-premises and hybrid solutions using vendor specific and open-source toolsets— to ensure a low mean time to resolution.

  • 建立关系: At the end of the day, we pride ourselves on truly being a partner with our clients. Our DMaaS consultants work with our clients to truly understand their organization and goals. This emphasis on partnership allows our teams to better develop solutions that meet organizational needs, 构建高级分析模型, 支持IT基础设施, 和更多的.

Now, you might be wondering, “What qualifications do I need to be a data analyst or DMaaS consultant?” Individual employers often have their own set of requirements, often including a degree or experience in computer science, 数学, 统计数据, or information systems to provide foundational knowledge. 数据分析师 also need soft skills like communication, 耐心, 解决问题, 组织才能成功.


Moser的DMaaS顾问, it’s all about solving challenges and helping our clients achieve their business goals in the best way possible. 但这并不是唯一的原因. Here are three reasons why data analytics is a great career choice.

  • 数据分析师前景看好: Enterprise level companies are now dealing with petabytes of data, and even smaller businesses generate and 维护 huge amounts of it. 这种情况短期内不会消失, and organizations need individuals who know how to store, 维护, 分析, 并从这些数据中产生见解. 那就不足为奇了 劳工统计局 (BLS) reports that jobs in the data science field are expected to grow by 36% between 2021 and 2031. Whether you’re working directly for a company or at a consulting firm, 这里有大量的机会.

  • 数据分析师薪资机会高: Glassdoor网站 recently listed data analyst on their list of the top 50 职业生涯 of 2022, 基本工资中位数为74美元,224. On top of a higher than average base salary, there is significant room for growth, too. 工资.com lists data analytics managers as having a median salary of over $130,000. And while these numbers may differ based on geography or years of experience, it’s clear that the data analytics career path and salary options are wide open.

  • 数据分析师的职位是动态的: Moser’s DMaaS consultants agree that one of the best parts of their job is that it’s ever changing. 没有哪两天是完全一样的. There are different environments to work in and new problems to solve. There’s always an opportunity to learn about new technologies and advancements, which means your knowledge will continue to grow and expand over time.


MG游戏登录网页, we’ve dedicated the last 25 years to building the most talented team of technology professionals around. We like to say we’re more than the average IT consultancy. 当然, mg官方游戏中心带来经验 in application services, business services, data & analytics, government services, and 基础设施 services. But we’re also dedicated to forming partnerships and relationships with our clients that help ensure their success. 

Interested in learning more about working for Moser? 查看mg官方游戏中心职业页面
有兴趣和Moser一起工作? 今天就mg官方游戏中心吧. mg官方游戏中心很想和你谈谈.


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